
The Zonta 国际 阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特奖学金 Awards are granted annually to women pursuing graduate degrees in aerospace-related 科学 and aerospace-related 工程. 奖学金必须用于获得研究生学位(硕士/博士)的课程学习.D.) 欲了解更多信息,请联系 the Zonta 国际 Foundation at 312-930-5848.

美国混凝土协会奖学金 are offered to graduate students pursuing a degree in 工程, 建筑, 或者材料科学. The applicants must attend a college or university in the US or Canada that offers graduate programs in concrete design, 材料, 或建筑. V. Mohan Malhotra Fellowship is only available to an applicant majoring in concrete 材料 科学 research and the Stewart C. Watson Fellowship is only available to an applicant with a special interest in joints and bearings for concrete structures. 申请及进一步资料可透过以下途径索取:

P.O. 9094箱

Fascell奖学金计划 is offered to students that are enrolled or have completed an academic program focused on languages. The applicant must have a working knowledge of the language of the country in which he/she wishes to be appointed. 申请人还必须年满21岁,是美国公民.

ODU Center for Bioelectronics: NIH T32 研究生 研究 Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (G-RISE) at 最靠谱的网赌软件 is accepting applications for its pre-doctoral program. ODU的G-RISE是一个以学生为中心的项目,提供博士学位.D. students with academic, professional and career development in the field of biomedical research. 请浏览 net站 了解更多信息和申请.

美国国家科学基金会 将颁发900个新的三年研究生奖学金, including awards for women in 工程 and computer and information 科学. NSF旨在确保科学人力资源基础的活力, 科学, 数学, 并加强多样性. 基金会欢迎所有符合条件的科学机构的申请, 数学, 以及工科学生,并强烈鼓励女性, 少数民族, 和残疾人在这个项目中充分竞争. 咨询电话:703-306-1142.

美国国家科学基金会 提供K-12教育的研究生教学奖学金. This program provides fellowships and associated training that will enable graduate and advanced undergraduates in the 科学s, 数学, 工程, 和技术 to serve in K-12 schools as resources knowledgeable about both the content and applications of 科学, 数学, 工程, 和技术. 详情请致电301-947-2722.

帕梅拉·哈里曼奖学金 were created in 1998 honoring the US Ambassador to France Pamela Harriman. 威廉斯堡的威廉玛丽学院, 弗吉尼亚大学赞助了奖学金, 还有可口可乐基金会的礼物. The fellowships will provide funds for three students from US colleges to work in the American Embassies in Paris and London and in the Office of the Secretary of State in Washington, DC. " The Harriman Fellowships will allow students to deepen their insight into other cultures and become more aware of how they may best serve their country and community,”先生说。. 伯爵T. 伦纳德,小. 可口可乐公司高级副总裁. 欲了解更多信息,请联系William T. 威廉玛丽学院沃克,电话757-221-2624.

塞缪尔N. 亚历山大博士奖学金 is awarded annually to a deserving student in order to assist and promote doctoral research in the utilization and development of computers and computer 科学. This fellowship is available to any candidate enrolled in a graduate program at a college or university in Maryland, 维吉尼亚州, 还是华盛顿, DC. 全日制学生优先考虑. 欲了解更多信息,请联系MITRE公司 charwing@mitre.org.

斯宾塞基金会论文奖学金 是否有任何研究领域的博士学位候选人被录取. 论文题目必须与教育有关. 通过它的奖学金, the Spencer Foundation seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a variety of fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. 虽然论文的主题必须涉及教育, 任何研究生学习领域的申请人都可以申请. Successful applicants have conducted dissertation research topics as diverse as moral education in a Hasidic community to college enrollment of Whites and Asian Americans in the United States.

This fellowship is offered to individuals to support training and research in a host institution on the basic biology of protozoan, microalgal, 以及通常不被认为是模式生物的真菌物种. NSF offers research fellowships in biology to provide opportunities for recent doctoral scientists to obtain additional training, and to broaden their scientific horizons beyond their research in undergraduate or graduate training. 欲了解更多信息,请联系. 卡特·金赛,703-306-1469.

扶轮基金会大使奖学金 supports a yearlong cultural exchange and study abroad at the graduate level. Applicants must be attending a college within Southeastern 维吉尼亚州 or the Eastern Shore. 他们的平均成绩必须保持在3分以上.2, and most importantly seek to be ambassadors of goodwill to promote intercultural understanding. 任何在2000年5月之前完成学士学位的人都可以申请. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 pobrien@capcon.网.

Jennings Randolph Fellowship Competitions offers two categories of award: Senior Fellowships are undertaken in Washington, D.C. 一般为10个月. Fellows come from many backgrounds and they address a range of topics related to the understanding, 管理, 解决国际暴力冲突. There is no degree requirement, but most candidates have completed an undergraduate degree. 第二奖项类别, 和平学者论文奖学金, support the reading and writing of doctoral dissertations addressing the sources of international conflict and strategies to sustain peace. Questions concerning either of these two awards should contact the institute at 202-457-1700.

The 弗吉尼亚太空资助协会: National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program was created in 1988 to address scientific and technological workforce needs and the national decline in scholastic achievement, 尤其是在数学和科学方面. A major goal of the VSGC is to help develop the engineers and scientists of the future. 要了解更多关于这个项目的信息,请联系VSGC vsgc@pen.k12.va.us 或致电757-865-0726.